7 elements for optimal outcomes in psychotherapy (and not only) – DOWNLOAD THE RESEARCH
May 10, 2021Tips, processes and sequences to make change more efficient and long-lasting
Our last research is featured in the prestigious The Science of Psychotherapy magazine (September 2020). [Scroll down to download a free copy]
The processes analysed in this research were studied in different professional settings and applications. We involved more than 250 specialists (psychologists, medical doctors, physiotherapists, counsellors, osteopaths, etc.).
In this article, even if it is featured in the Science of Psychotherapy magazine, we discuss relevant issues for different kind of health practitioners.
Although the magazine is usually only accessible to subscribers, we obtained special permission to share it with our beloved readers and followers.
You can click here to download your free copy.
From the editorial:
“Another favorite of The Science of Psychotherapy is Italian based therapist Fabio Sinibaldi who works with his partner Sara Achilli at the Real Way of Life. He brings us the results of recent research on the effectiveness of their programs. 7 elements for optimal outcomes in psychotherapy – Fieldwork results shares ideas, techniques and practical ways that we can improve the effectiveness of therapy.“
A special thank you to Richard Hill, Matthew Dahlitz and all the staff at the The Science of Psychotherapy.
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